Alexander Hernandez's Finca La Esmerelda is located in Pitalito, southern Huila, at an elevation of 1,700 meters above sea level, near the heart of the Macizo Colombiano and close to the source of the Magdalena River. This region is known for its diverse microclimates. Alexander co-manages the farm with his partner, Leidy Johana Vargas. Through the PECA program, they gained valuable skills and knowledge to enhance the quality of their coffee. As a result, they implemented shade covers over their drying patios and raised beds, as well as improved the cleanliness of their fermentation tanks for better washing processes. A key element of their success is the quarterly organic nutrition they apply to the plants, enriching the soil with organic matter and beneficial microorganisms. Committed to sustainability, Alexander has invested in water treatment systems and reintroduced shade trees to promote carbon capture while attracting international buyers. The farm borders a nationally protected natural corridor, with a river that flows into the Magdalena River.