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Espresso - Alirio Muñoz, Colombia

Espresso - Alirio Muñoz, Colombia

Alirio and his wife Anayibe are members of the Los Guacharos group, a team near Bruselas, Huila collectively working to transition away from synthetic chemical inputs in their farming. 

This coffee is a 100% pink bourbon lot. To process it, Alirio picks cherries as ripe as can be, and does an initial float in water to remove the over and under ripe cherries. He leaves the cherries to start the initial fermentation process in plastic bags for 40 hours. From there, he de-pulps the coffee, and then ferments it for an additional 36 hours before washing it. Coffee is sun-dried for around 15 days, and dried under shade cloth for 10 more days. Parchment coffee is stored in Grain Pro bags at home to ensure that humidity is stable at around 11%. 

Espresso Roast 200g 
Resting period: at least 14 days from roast date

Regular price $24.00 SGD
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